Les Temps de l'anglais
Pour les Terminales Bac Pro, voici l'évaluation formative faite en classe - Vous pourrez réviser calmement chez vous pour le devoir.
Faites d'abord les exercices en réfléchissant et en regardant votre cahier le moins possible.
1- Conjuguer la phrase à tous les temps.
I ( to go ) to the beach.
2- Pour chaque verbe entre parenthèses, choisir le temps qui convient, justifier son emploi et écrire sa forme conjuguée.
1- Mary ( to like) to go to South Africa one day.
2- In our lives, we ( to travel ) twice to Australia.
3- Last week, they ( to go ) to a night club in the South of the island.
4- Next holidays I ( to go ) to Mauritius for a few days.
5- At the moment Jason ( to work ) but he still wants to be on holidays.
3- Transposer cette phrase au passé.
Paul is dreaming about his last holidays because he doesn’t like school.
1- Conjuguer la phrase à tous les temps.
Pres simple : I go to the beach.
Pres en -ing : I 'm going to the beach.
Prétérit simple : I went to the beach.
Prétérit en -Ing : I was going to the beach.
Pres perfect : I have been to the beach.
Past perfect : I had been to the beach.
Futur : I will go to the beach.
Conditionnel : I would go to the beach.
2- Pour chaque verbe entre parenthèses, choisir le temps qui convient, justifier son emploi et écrire sa forme conjuguée.
1- Mary ( to like) to go to South Africa one day.
= Conditionnel / souhait : would like
2- In our lives, we ( to travel ) twice to Australia.
= Pres perfect / Experience : have travelled
3- Last week, they ( to go ) to a night club in the South of the island.
= Pret simple /moment précis du passé (daté) : went
4- Next holidays I ( to go ) to Mauritius for a few days.
= Futur / Evènement qui va se produire : will go
5- At the moment Jason ( to work ) but he still wants to be on holidays.
= Pres en -ing / action qui est en train de se produire : is working
3- Transposer cette phrase au passé.
Paul is dreaming about his last holidays because he doesn’t like school.
= Paul was dreaming about his last holidays because he didn't like school.